ACE2330 An Introduction to Advocacy
Ended 1 Dec 2022
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Full course description
Advocacy, according to the Alliance for Justice, is defined as ‘any action that speaks in favour of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others’. This course s for anyone who is interested in understanding how to be a better advocate for themselves, their family and their community.
These workshops on advocacy can provide vital skills, like effective communication, for those who work or volunteer in various health care and community settings like day services, youth clubs, mental health services; it is also very important for carers, parents or anyone who needs to speak up for themselves or others.
Four three hour workshops, Tuesday’s 10am – 1pm, online on: 'Introduction to Advocacy', workshops: What is Advocacy? Parent/Family Advocacy, Self Advocacy and Community Advocacy, with extra reading materials on Canvas.
Learning Outcomes for the Advocacy workshops, when finished these workshops the students should be able to:
- State, what advocacy is, its different forms, the contexts where advocacy is important and the aims of advocacy?
- Describe the many elements of advocacy as a means of empowerment and social justice
- Understand, debate and discuss what is meant by credible and effective advocacy, facilitation, research and communication.
- Debate the role of statutory, voluntary and community organisations